20 Nisan 1942 yılında Beypazarı’nda doğdu. Dudaş köyünde ilkokulu tamamladı. 1955 yılında(Hasanoğlan) Atatürk Öğretmen Okuluna girdi. Himmet ŞAHİN, Neriman ve Nevzat AKORAL gibi değerli eğitimcilerin resim alanındaki rehberliklerinden yararlandı.
1961 – 1962 yılları arasında Safranbolu’da 1 yıl ilkokul öğretmenliği yaptı. İdeali olan Gazi Eğitim Enstitüsü Resim – İş bölümüne 1962 yılında girdi. Turan EROL, Refik EPİKMAN, Nevide GÖKAYDIN, Kayıhan KESKİNOK, Mustafa TÖMEKÇE ve Veysel ERÜSTÜN gibi kıymetli hocaların öğrencisi olma gururunu yaşadı.
Devlet Resim ve Heykel Sergisine 1964’te 4 eserle katıldı. 1965 yılında Devlet Resim ve Heykel Sergisinde “HANİ ANAM” isimli gravür çalışması Turizm Bakanlığı tarafından satın alındı.
1965 yılında Bingöl Lisesi Resim Öğretmenliğine atandı.
1967’nin Şubat ayı yarıyıl tatilinde, Ankara Devlet Güzel Sanatlar Galerisinde ilk kişisel sergisini açtı. Seramik sanatçısı Attila GALATALI tarafından “ANADOLUYA ÖZGÜ” isimli tablo ilk kez özel şahısça alınan eser oldu. Yine 1967’de Devlet Sergisinde “BOSTANDA” isimli tablo Bayındırlık Bakanlığı tarafından satın alındı.
1968’de Kırıkkale, 1969’da Beypazarı Lisesine Resim Öğretmeni olarak atandı. 1970 de Gençler arası Resim Yarışmasına, 1971’de TRT 1. Resim ve Heykel Yarışmasına katıldı. Aynı yıl Birleşmiş Ressam ve Heykeltıraşlar Derneği Üyesi kimliğine kavuştu.
1971 yılı 15 – 31 Ocak tarihleri arasında Ankara Devlet Güzel Sanatlar Galerisinde ikinci kişisel sergisini açtı. Dışişleri Bakanlığı (3), Bayındırlık Bakanlığı (2) Turizm Bakanlığı (2), Bankalar, Kanada, Avusturya, Amerika gibi ülkeler ve özel koleksiyonlarda 25 eseri bulunmaktadır.
1964’den 1977’ye kadar Devlet Sergisine aralıksız katıldı. Arada karma sergilere tabloları ile katılmaktadır.
1992 yılında emekli oldu. Kendisi gibi öğretmen emeklisi eşi ve iki çocuğu ile birlikte halen ; 1970’li yıllarda Sayın Turan EROL ve ailesi, merhum Bedri Rahmi EYÜBOĞLU ve eşi, merhum Orhan PEKER ve çok sayıda sanatçının ziyaret ettiği, Beypazarı’nda yaşamını sürdürmektedir.
Alaettin Koçak was born in Beypazarı on 20th of April in 1942. He completed his primary school education in the village, Dudaş. He started (Hasanoğlan) Atatürk Teacher Training School in 1955. He found the opportunity to have the guidance of dignified educators such as Himmet ŞAHİN, Neriman AKORAL and Nevzat AKORAL in the area of painting.
Between the years of 1961-1962, he worked as a primary school teacher in Safranbolu for one year. He gained the right to be able to attend to the department of art teaching, which has always been his dream, in Gazi Training Institute in 1962. He experienced the pride of being a student of the precious educators such as Turan EROL, Refik EPİKMAN, Nevide GÖKAYDIN, Kayıhan KESKİNOK, Mustafa TÖMEKÇE and Veysel ERÜSTÜN.
In 1964 he joined the State Expedition of Painting and Sculpture with 4 works of art.In 1965, in the expedition of painting and sculpture, one of his gravure workings, which named ‘HANİ ANAM’, was bought by the Ministry of Tourism.
He was appointed to Bingöl High School as the teacher of art in 1965.
In Ankara State Gallery of Fine Arts, he opened his first personal exhibition during semester holiday in February in 1967. The painting named ‘ANADOLUYA ÖZGÜ’ was the one which was bought by a private individual who is the ceramic artist called Atilla GALATALI for the first time. In addition to this, in 1967, the painting named ‘BOSTANDA’ was bought by the Ministry of Public Works during the State Expedition.
Alaettin Koçak was appointed to Kırıkkale High School in 1968 and following that, he was appointed to Beypazarı High School in 1969 as the teacher of painting. He participated in the Youth Painting Competition in 1970, thereafter, he participated in the Painting and Sculpture competition organised by the channel TRT in 1971. At the same time, he gained the identity of United Artists and Sculptures Association’s membership.
Between the dates 15th and 31st of January in 1971, he opened his second individual exhibition in Ankara State Gallery of Fine Arts. He has three works of art in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, two works of art in the Ministry of Public Works, two works of art in the Ministry of Tourism. Additionaly, there are 25 works of art belong to him which are currently in the banks, in the foreign countries such as Canada, Austria, America and also in some private collections.
Between the years 1964 and 1977, he participated in State Exhibition continuously. He attends to some group exhibitions with his paintings from time to time.
He retired in 1992. He lives with his wife who is also retired teacher and his two children in Beypazarı where was visited by the honorable painter Turan EROL and his family in the 1970’s, the deceased painter Bedri Rahmi EYÜBOĞLU and his wife, the deceased painter Orhan PEKER and also many artists.