1973 yılında Gazi Eğitim Enstitüsü Resim –İş Bölümü’nü bitirdi, Eskişehir Anadolu Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi’nde lisans tamamladı. Üç yıl Almanya’da yaşayan Sanatçı Avrupa’nın çeşitli müze ve galerilerinde incelemelerde bulundu.
Görme engellilere resim ve modelaj konusunda eğitim veren bir okulda (Neuwid- Almanya şehrinde) staj yaptı, Yurda dönüşünde de Gazi Üniversitesi Özel Eğitim Bölümü’nde aynı konuda dersler verdi. ODTÜ Güzel sanatlar Bölümü’nde öğretim görevlisi olarak sekiz yıl çalıştı.
Öğrenciliği sırasında Devlet Resim ve Heykel Sergisi’ne katılmaya hak kazanan Sanatçı 5’i Almanya’da biri New York’ta ve biri de Londra’da olmak üzere 51 kişisel sergi açtı.
Pek çok yurtiçi ve yurtdışı karma sergilere katılımı vardır. Romanya Hükümetinin davetlisi olarak Tescani International Camp 2000 Organizasyonuna katıldı. Strumisa (Makedonya) da düzenlenen devlet sanat kolonisine iki kez davet edildi ve 6 eseri devlet sanat arşivine dahil edildi.
İki eseri George Enescu ( Romanya ) Müzesine, alınan Sanatçının İzmir Resim Heykel Müzesi, Eskişehir Anadolu Üniversitesi, Gazi Üniversitesi, T.C. Kültür Bakanlığı, T:C Dış İşleri bakanlığı Sanat Kolleksiyonu, ABD, Romanya, Kanada, Almanya, Fransa, Finlandiya, Bulgaristan ve daha birçok banka ve özel koleksiyonlarda eserleri bulunmaktadır.
İstanbul’da ve Ankara’da ki Atölyelerinde çalışmalarını sürdüren sanatçı, BRHD (Birleşmiş Ressamlar ve Heykeltıraşlar Derneği), UPSD (Uluslararası Plastik Sanatçılar Derneği) ve GÖRSED üyesidir.
Born in Istanbul/1951, she graduated from the Arts & Crafts Department of the Institute of Education of Gazi University in 1973. She completed her Bachelor of Arts studies in Eskişehir Anadolu University’s Faculty of Fine Arts.
During the following years, she worked in many governmental high schools in Ankara as an Arts & Crafts teacher.
In 1984, she went to Germany and attended a school that specialised in arts & crafts training for the visually handicapped in Neuwid as an intern for 3 years. She also had the chance of visiting and examining numerous museums and galleries in Europe.
After returning to Turkey, with the hope of implementing what she learned, she worked for 6 years in the School for the Blind in Aydınlıkevler-Ankara. During the same period, she acted as an instructor in the Gazi Üniversity’s Special Education Department and also worked in her own studio.
In 2000, she started to work in the Middle East Technical University’s Fine Arts Department and acted as a teaching assistant for 7 years.
During her teaching activities, she also produced visual materials for the industry. Some of these are:
Pictures for children’s books,
Floor design of KARUM Shopping Mall in Ankara,
Stained glass decorations of numerous buildings and lamp designs for a reputable stained glass producer,
11 Designs for the Spanish puzzle company Educa and Turkish company Art Puzzle.
A large number of her paintings have been reproduced on canvas by Angora Publishing Co.
She had the privilage of participating in the State Exhibition in Paintings and Sculptures as a student and since then, has displayed 50 personal exhibitions, 5 of them in Germany.
She has also participated in 50+ national and international exhibitions, including five private in Germany, one in New York-USA and one in London-UK.
She was invited by the respective governments to attend;
Tescani International Art Camp 2000 ( Romania ),
Internatıonal Colony of Art Kıcevo 2011, International Fıne Arts Colony of Strumicia 2012 ve 2013 ( Macedonia), and
Without of Border Art Sempozyum 2014 ( Bulgaria ).
Internationally, 2 of her works of art are in George Enescu Museum (Romania ) and 6 of them in the Macedonian State Museum. Some also found their places in private collections in USA, Romania, Canada, Germany, France and Finland.
On the national level, her paintings may be found in İzmir Paintings & Sculptures Museum, and in the collections and / or museums of Eskişehir Anadolu University, Hacettepe University, Gazi University, Giresun University, Middle East Technical University, Ministry of Culture, not mentioning the private collections of many banks, municipalities and collectors.
TRT ( Turkish Radio & Television) has also produced a documentary named Turkey on Canvas consisting of 39 episodes where she acted as the artist, and her paintings are in TRT’s collection.
She actively participates in fine art workshops, seminars and forums in Turkey, continuing her production and training activities in her own studios in Ankara and Istanbul.
She is a member of;
(BRHD) The association of United Painters and Sculptors,
(UPSD) International Association of Plastic Arts Artists, and
(GÖRSED) Visual Arts Education Association.