Güler Gök
*Özel Koleksiyon, “Hititler Tuvananna” İsimli Çalışma, Boğazkale Sanat Müzesi, 2020
She was born in 1975 in İskilip-Çorum. He graduated from Selcuk University, Department of Painting and Business Education, Department of Painting. He is continuing his master’s degree in On Dokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Painting and Business Education. Hughette Eyüpoğlu learned how to print styrofoam from Ms. He took lessons at the workshop of İlham Enveroğlu and Orhan Cebrailoğlu. Zübeyde Hanım is a visual arts teacher at the Special Education Practice school in Çorum. He opened four solo exhibitions and participated in many national and international group exhibitions. On March 6, 2019, she opened her personal painting exhibition titled “Rose Oya in My Circle” on March 6, 2019, and her second personal exhibition on October 15, 2021, under the name of “the color of special hearts”, to raise awareness for disabled students in the society. His art view and works were the guests of the July 2020 issue of My Art magazine. Women are working because of the value Atatürk gave to Turkish women. His belief in the crowning of women pushed him to work as a woman. That’s why he wears crowns on his women’s heads. Interpreting the miniature art in a contemporary way, the artist creates the infrastructure of his works from styrofoam prints. Color is its abandonment. He admires children’s flawless color strokes because he has worked in primary schools for many years. His mother, siblings, daughter and himself work on the works consisting of watercolor, acrylic paint and printing techniques. The artist, who likes to be inspired by the mysterious air that comes from the depths of archaeological works, if you wore daisies crowns in your hair as a child, you can find yourself in the sultans of the fairyland he created.
*Special Collection, Work Titled “Hititler Tuvananna”, Boğazkale Art Museum, 2020
*Special Collection, The Study Titled “The Hittites Mother Queen”, Çorum Municipality Art Gallery, 2019
*Special Collection, “Untitled” Orhan Karadogan Art Museum, Istanbul, 2021
*Sevgi Art Gallery, Christmas Mix, 2021, Ankara
*Usart, International Online New Year Exhibition, 2022, Online
*BHRD , Eexhibition,2022
*BHRD, Exhibition ,2023
*Çorum Municipality art gallery, 8 March international women’s day group exhibition, 2022
*Art Cloud Gallery, The work named kibele, exhibited in the selection committee 70.100, Online group exhibition, free theme, 2022
*Eskişehir Art Association, 8th Teacher Artists Online Group Exhibition, 70.100, 2022
*The Orange Blossom Art Colony participated in the education scholarship for the children of health care workers who lost their lives due to Covit 19.
Painting Contest, Exhibition, Sakuder in its 15th Anniversary, “Stay at Home, Turkey”, Sakuder Academy and Art Gallery, Ankara, 2020
*Participation And Acknowledgment Certificate, “Tev Corona Support Heroes Fund”, 2020
*Group exhibition, “SoMbahar”, Kadıköy Cinema Foyer Art Gallery, Istanbul, 2020
*Group Exhibition, International Journal of Germiyan Culture, Arts, Literature and Science, “November 10 Commemoration of Atatürk Painting Exhibition”, Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism Fine Arts Gallery, Kütahya, 2020
*Group Exhibition, “Once Upon a Time Teacher” Plastic Arts Virtual Exhibition, Kocaeli.ktb.gov-.tr/TR-273646/sanat.html, 2020
*Solo Exhibition, “Rose Oya in My Circle”, Çorum Municipality Art Gallery, Çorum, 2019 *Solo Exhibition “The Color of Special Hearts”, Çorum Municipality Art Gallery, Çorum, 2021
*Solo Exhibition, Çorum Museum, 2022
*Solo Exhibition, Çorum, AHL Park Shopping Center, 2022
*Group Exhibition online, Arto art gallery, Tunisia, 2022
*Group Exhibition, Hand in Hand with Art, Çorum Zübeyde Hanım School of Practice Special students and Prof.Dr. Çağatay İnam Karahan Workshop students were united through art, 2022*
Group Exhibition, “Art Educators Meeting Two thousand nineteen”, Hitit University Smart Building Foyer Area, Çorum, 2019
*Group Exhibition, Commemorating the 97th Anniversary of the August 30 Victory Day, “Marmaris Art Meeting”, Marmaris Municipality, Muğla, 2019
*Group Exhibition, “Hittites Painting Exhibition”, Çorum Municipality Art Gallery, Çorum, 2019
*Painting Competition, Certificate of Participation, “Saküder 14th Year İzmir Painting Competition”, Saküder Academy and Art Gallery, Ankara, 2019
*Group Exhibition, “In Memory of Martyr Teacher Aybüke Yalçın”, Çorum Provincial Directorate of National Education, Çorum, 2019
*Group Exhibition, “Year-End Enthusiasm”, Cephe Art Gallery, 2019
*Painting Contest, Certificate of Appreciation, “Let Our Children Make Any Picture They Want Freely”, InternationalPlastic Arts Colony, 2015